Marsha Moment Message: Hey Family, I trust You are having a WONDERFUL DAY!! I wanted to take this time to THANK YOU for Your Well Wishes for a Speedy Recovery for the “Pinky Finger Surgery” i just had on Friday. Typing with ONE FINGER is a bit of a challenge but to be Honest – I HAVE MY HEALTH and Other Fingers to Type With. Bottomline: No matter what is going on in My Life – I START EACH DAY WITH A GRATEFUL HEART. It is My “Humble” Opinion that WE can always find “SOMETHING” to be GRATEFUL FOR!! How about this for starters…here goes: YOU WOKE UP THIS MORNING and YOU’VE GOT PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE WHO LOVE YOU – I HAPPEN TO BE ONE OF THEM!!” (smile) Come On Now…Keep Gratitude in Your Attitude…Let’s Roll. Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset.” Much Love…MarshaHUGS