Marsha Moment Message: Happy Resurrection Sunday – Happy Easter Sunday. As a child, I was raised in a Baptist Church and I truly love the story of the RESURRECTION of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Christians believe that through Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, he paid the penalty for the world’s sins and all who believe in him are offered the gift of eternal life. There is something very comforting in the story of Jesus’ RISING and it is for this reason that EASTER is one of my favorite holidays. I am of the strong belief that the God that I Honor LIVES THROUGH ME and it is My HUMBLE responsibility to SHOW his LOVE through My Actions, Words and Deeds!! Trust and Believe, I’m Just a Person WHO BELIEVES THAT I CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE – and the Story of the Resurrection provides Me with with So Much HOPE…That’s It and That’s All. To all My Brothers and Sisters who celebrate this most Glorious Day – HAPPY EASTER and May the God that YOU Honor Continue to Positively Guide your Words, Actions and Deeds. Come On Now…LET’S ALL LET OUR LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER RISE…Let’s Roll. Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset.” Much Love, today and always. Marsha HUGS
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