Dear Self…

Marsha Moment Message: Like some of You, I have a tendency to FORGET just how important I should be TO ME. I don’t mean that in a selfish way – I mean it in a way that requires Me to take time to ENCOURAGE MYSELF. As I continue “HEALING” from decisions I’ve made that were not conducive to My Physical, Mental Emotional and Spiritual Well-Being, I have taken up the HABIT of AFFIRMING what the GOD of My Understanding has been trying to tell me for years: “YOU ARE MY GREATEST MIRACLE.” WOW – It Truly Just Doesn’t Get Any Better Than That. I ENCOURAGE YOU to have a “DEAR SELF MOMENT” and REAFFIRM the Wonderful Person that You Are. Regardless of What You Have Done in the Past – YOUR FUTURE IS SPOTLESS. Let’s STRIVE to Keep It That Way – so that We Can Continue to ENHANCE OUR LIVES and the LIVES OF OTHERS. Come On Now…THIS IS AN INCREDIBLE DAY DESIGNED JUST FOR YOU…Let’s Roll. Live and Embrace a HUGS Mindset. Much Love… Marsha R. BonnerHUGS

#mrbinspires #marshahugs #marsharbonner #hugs#hugsmovementcampaign #hugsmindset #dearself#godsgreatestmiracle #designedjustforyou#leavethepastinthepast #dearselfmoment

With Richard E Pelzer II II Monifah Carter Terez Mychelle Savoy Walkerr Mark A Forrest