Marsha Moment Message: Today I woke up with the principle of FAITH on My Spirit. Many of you have been with me for over 27 Years as a Recovering Person from Drugs and Alcohol Abuse; and many others of you have been with me since the What Would You Do? – “Interracial Couple Faces Criticism” segment aired; and then there are those who have come in my LIFE because our Spirits have connected through this and many other social media sites. My LIFE has been designed to be of SERVICE to OTHERS and it is my Abiding FAITH in the GOD that I HONOR that Continues to Guide and Lead Me On My Path. Having FAITH is a very funny thing; When things are Good, we have plenty of it; however, when things get a little “Funky” – well, our FAITH has a tendency to take a back seat to our EGOS. Hmmm – EGO = Ease God Out. Well, I have had my fare share of Trails and Tribulations and FAITH has Got Me Through. I am a person from the “Brooklyn Streets to the Corporate Suites” and now into Your Lives by FAITH. I Strongly ENCOURAGE You to Allow FAITH to take a leading role in Your Life. Hey, if you’ve been paying attention – I am a LIVING EXAMPLE of how this PRINCIPLE can produce MIRACLES in One’s LIFE. (I’m just saying). Come On Now…Let FAITH Be One of the Cornerstones that Guides Your Life – The Possibilities are LIMITLESS…Let’s Roll. Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset.” Much Love (for real).MarshaHUGS

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