First Love Yourself – F.L.Y.

Marsha Moment Message: As I come out on the other side, I FEEL the need to “Humbly” SHARE One of My VITAL LIFE LESSONS with YOU. The Lesson is: “FIRST LOVE YOURSELF – F.L.Y.” It is my personal experience that whenever I forget to PRACTICE this Lesson, Pain Soon Follows and I am FORCED to Re-evaluate Where I Have Positioned Myself in My Own Life. HMMM?? Well, the LOVE ME FIRST BUTTON has been hit, AGAIN. (it’s OK some lessons take time to learn – smile) Trust and Believe – I GET IT and I Am Committed to EMBRACING THIS LESSON WITH ALL MY HEART!! Yes, Yes, Yes — Do You Feel That Breeze? — Take a Look Around, That’s ME In FLIGHT” (LOL). Come On Now…Join ME…Let’s SOAR!! Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset.” Much Love…MarshaHUGS