God Will See You Through…


Marsha Moment Message: I woke up this morning and felt this overwhelming need to reach out to My Sisters and Brothers who are “Facing Difficult Times”. I FEEL YOU and I Have Been There Too and Might Be There Again – NO ONE IS EXEMPT. However, I approach You in this ” Moment” in a “humble” position to let let you know, from My Own Personal Experiences, that the GOD You Honor – HAS GOT YOU and WILL SEE YOU THROUGH!! I ENCOURAGE You to just remain STRONG in YOUR FAITH and ALLOW Your SPIRIT to SOAR in Spite of what is attempting to STEAL YOUR JOY. Believe in YOUR HEART – That Your LIFE is In The Hands of a POWER that TRULY LOVES YOU!! With all My Heart, I Trust These Words Give You Some Sense of Comfort. Come On Now…YOU CAN DO THIS…Let’s’ Roll. Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset”. Much Love…MarshaHUGS

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