Marsha Moment Message: When GOD SPEAKS People Listen. H.U.G.S. = HELPING US GROW SPIRITUALLY. Stay with Me for a Minute…
The “What Would You Do? – Interracial Couple Faces Criticism” segment continues to EMBRACE THE WORLD. The program, hosted by Mr. John Quinones, aired on December 7, 2013 and due to popular demand it re-aired on December 13, 2013. This segement was Produced by John’s son, Julian Quinones. To date, it currently has over 100 million views. Y’all still with me??? I truly hope so…
Well, today, July 28 2017, I received the FB Direct Message below from My New Friend, Mr. Lou Precious Meredith from Abu Dhabi, Capital of the United Arab Emirates.
Here is what Lou wrote: “Dear Marsha. I know you don’t know me, My Name is Luis and I’ve just seen a video of you in a hair salon. I want to say you really REALLY touch my soul, I’m so touched the way you consult that young lady. I had to rewind the video to hear your full name so I can look for you to say Thank You!! Your Spirit is GOLD! I’m an English Instructor teaching English as a 2nd language here in Abu Dhabi and even I preach about Love to my students. I call them “family, “my brothers” never “my students.” God Bless You Marsha ”
Now, please know that I have received and greatly appreciate the hundreds of messages like this over the past four years throughout this country and around the world and I continue to remain “truly humbled” by the friendships I have gained as a result of my appearance in the WWYD segment. I want to again, SINCERELY THANK EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU FOR BEING THE WONDERFUL PEOPLE THAT YOU ARE – I JUST LOVE YOUR FLOW!!
In this MOMENT, I would like to share that I am totally convinced that there is one thing that remains constant in our Lives and in this World – and that is – LOVE. Come On Now.. CONTINUE TO SPREAD LOVE – YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO DO SO IS – RIGHT NOW…Let’s Roll. Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset.” Much Love…MarshaHUGS
With Richard E Pelzer II Denny Moe
#mrbinspires #marshahugs #marshahugsbonner #marsharbonner #hugs #hugsmindset #hugsmovement #dreambig #love #lovewins #abudhabi #unitedarabemirates #johnquinones #whatwouldyoudo #interracialcouplefacescriticsm