Marsha Moment Message: I want to send a HEARTFELT HUG and a HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to MY WONDERFUL and AMAZING MOM – Ms. Barbara Weltfisch
I will never be able to articulate what My MOM means to Me. If there was ever anyone who has shown me UNCONDITIONAL LOVE throughout My Life, it has been My MOM. Even as a Child, My MOM CARED for Me and My Sister, Denise Jones, with ALL HER HEART and ALL THAT SHE COULD GIVE TO US. During My Darkest Days, when I was caught in the GRIPS of Drug and Alcohol Abuse; whenever I found My Way HOME – My MOM opened her doors, fed me, replaced my dirty clothes, rubbed my head, shared encouraging words and allowed me to be HELD IN HER LOVING EMBRACE. For that I AM FOREVER GRATEFUL. And, when I left her to continue Abusing My Life – My Mom Prayed for Me like ONLY A MOM CAN. Well, My Mom’s PRAYERS were answered and today, I Am FREE FROM ACTIVE ADDICTION and LIVING A LIFE COMMITTED to Doing All I Can to GIVE HOPE and SHARE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE WITH PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD!!
If your MOM has been and is there for You, I ENCOURAGE You to GIVE HER A BIG HUG and TELL HER THAT YOU LOVE HER!! Trust Me – She’ll know exactly what it’s for. Remember: SHE LOVES YOU!! (smile).
I also want to send a LOVING HUG to those whose Mom has TRANSITIONED HOME. I ENCOURAGE You to keep the Spirit of Your Mom ALIVE and Allow her LEGACY to LIVE through YOU!! Trust and Believe, Your Mom STILL LOVES YOU AND HAS GOT YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY in HARMONY with the GOD that You HONOR. That My Friend, is TRULY A BLESSING (smile).
Come On Now…HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO ALL…Let’s Roll. Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset.” Much Love… MarshaHUGS
With Barbara Weltfisch Denise Jones
#mrbinspires #marshahugs #marsharbonner #dreambig
#happymothersday #love #momisalwaysthere #forevergrateful #freedomcomes