HaveYou Checked your Spiritual Eyesight Lately?

Marsha Moment Message: I Can See Clearly, Now!! How About You? Come On – Let’s Talk: It has been my experience that many of my beliefs about what was important in Life were based on misguided information and actions that led me to unsavory places which ultimately tainted my understanding of the God that I Honor and Everybody and Anybody that I interacted with. Self-Centered, Self-Righteous and Self-Contained Thinking – Back Then – HAD ME LOSS IN NO MAN’S LAND – ALONE. What I have come to realize is that the Common Denominator in my Spiraling Backward Progression was ME and How I Perceived Things!! Accepting this FACT was Devastating and ENLIGHTENING and once the “smoke” cleared – I reflected on and checked My “Spiritual Eyesight” and learned that the Key to CHANGING MY PERCEPTIONS required that I Change My Thinking and Behaviour. In this, “MOMENT”, I would like to ENCOURAGE You to CHECK YOUR SPIRITUAL EYESIGHT!! It’s Really Quite Easy To Do. Just Ask Yourself This: “DO I SEE THE GOOD IN OTHERS AND RESPOND WITH LOVE IN MY HEART FOR THEM – NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE OR WHAT THEIR CIRCUMSTANCES MIGHT BE?” Well…Do You?? Trust and Believe, How You See and React to Things and Others NOW – Determines Where You Will Find Yourself Later. It’s Karma, Baby!! Come On Now…WIPE THE SELF-CENTEREDNESS OUT OF YOUR EYES AND RE-FOCUS YOUR THINKING AND BEHAVIOURS TO ENHANCE YOUR SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING TODAY AND BEYOND…Let’s Roll. Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset.” Much Love…MarshaHUGS
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