Home of the Free…Because of the Brave!

Marsha Moment Message: I would like to wish each of You a Very Happy Memorial Day!! And, in this “Moment”, I would like to ENCOURAGE You to remember why we celebrate this day of remembrance. Let’s Talk: There have been many individuals who have given their lives to ensure our FREEDOM. YES, I completely understand that “FREEDOM” is a word that many of us continue to struggle with as to whether or not it is a reality or an ideology in this Country. Truth: The world we live in might not ever live up to the promises and expectations that we collectively and individually have; however, WE HAVE THE FREEDOM TO CONTINUE TO FIGHT FOR WHAT WE BELIEVE IN – AND, WE CAN EXERCISE THIS RIGHT AS A DIRECT RESULT OF THE MEN AND WOMEN WHO HAVE LOSS THEIR LIVES TO ENSURE THAT OUR VOICES BE HEARD – HERE AT HOME AND ABROAD!! Please let’s try not to trivialize the impact that War has had on families who have loss loved ones and the child or children who will never see their Mom or Dad again. Instead, let’s remember the BRAVE SOULS who gave the ultimate sacrifice for each of us – THEIR LIVES – and appreciate what accomplishments – big or small – we have made because of their COURAGE and BRAVERY. Come On Now…PEACE IS ALWAYS AT HAND – GRAB IT, MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS – IT BEGINS WITH HAVING LOVE IN OUR HEARTS – NO MATTER THE TIME OR PLACE…Let’s Roll. Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset.” Much Love…MarshaHUGS
#mrbinspires #marshahugs #marshahugsbonner #marsharbonner #hugs #hugsmovement #hugsmindset #dreambig #homeofthefreebecauseofthebrave #freedom #peace #happymemorialday #givepeaceachance