Marsha Moment Message: As many of You may sense, I try my very best to refrain from political, religious, and racial tirades. I believe that We are BORN to LOVE Each Other; however, there is a cynicism and ignorance that gains root and grows in many Hearts, Minds and Spirits that produces Hate and a total disregard for Human Life. And, in my humble opinion, YOUR LIFE is God’s Greatest Miracle. With all that is going on as it relates to these Pipe Bombs, Shootings, Stabbings and the unnecessary Senseless Killings across the WORLD, I want to just say this to All of YOU; PLEASE DON’T LOSE HOPE. Trust and Believe, along with LOVE – this is one of the most PRECIOUS HUMAN POSSESSIONS WE HAVE. I Encourage You during these Tumultuous Times to THINK about the Young Lives Yet to Be Born and the Young Innocent Lives Here With Us Right Now. Please Hear Me On This: THEY ARE COUNTING ON US TO KEEP THE FLAME OF HOPE ALIVE – FOR OURSELVES AND FOR THEM. This WE Must and Can Do; I BELIEVE and I am TRUSTING that YOU Do Too. Come On Now…Don’t Lose Hope…Let’s Roll. Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset”. Much Love…MarshaHUGS

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