It Just Doesn’t Have To Be This Way…


Marsha Moment Message: As I headed to the train this morning I had a moment of “Remembrance” on a LIFE I once Lived – this picture reflects the past I once shared with these Individuals who are depositing for cash cans they’ve collected off the street. NO – I DID NOT COLLECT CANS. That’s a “YET” for Me if I should ever remove Myself from the “HUMBLE POSITION”. I’m no better than anyone else – never that. I just wanted to take this “moment” to SHARE how Grateful I am to have the opportunity to HELP OTHERS and SHARE HUGS and LOVE with YOU. As You go about your days – I ENCOURAGE YOU to remember to SMILE at Someone, Give a PAT on the Back, a Warm Handshake or even a HUG – to let someone else know you ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR EXISTENCE and APPRECIATE THEIR LIFE. PLEASE never ever forget that Things Can Change on a Dime in One’s Life and to Truly Count Our Blessings. Why? Simply: IT JUST DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset”. Come on Now…PUT SOME GRATITUDE IN OUR ATTITUDE…Let’s Roll. Much Love…MarshaHUGS

#mrbinspires #marshahugs #marsharbonner #hugs#hugsmindset #hugsmovement#hugsmovementcampaign#itdoesnthavetobethisway #gratitude #grateful#blessed