Open The Door and Let Peace In…


Marsha Moment Message: Today, I woke up, looked out my window and Snow was falling from the Sky. It looked so BEAUTIFUL. And, unlike most mornings, there was absolutely NO NOISE In My Home or Outside My Door and My Mind was FREE AND CLEAR – and I realized that it Was Just Me and the God that I Honor in Harmony – and I was at PEACE…Gosh, IT FELT SO GOOD!! In this “Moment”, I would like to ENCOURAGE YOU to Take Just A Few Minutes Out of Your Day and Allow the God of Your Understanding to Spend Some Time With You. Yeah, I know we have “stuff” to do, however, as best we can, during this Holiday Season and Beyond, Let’s All Strive to Bring It Down a Notch and LOOK TO HAVE SOME SERENITY IN OUR LIVES. Come On Now…PEACE IS KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR – DO ME A FAVOR – OPEN THE DOOR AND LET IT IN…Let’s Roll. Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset.” Much Love…MarshaHUGS

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