Service to Others…

Marsha Moment Message: OK, YES – I Know – I SHARED My Morning Message Earlier Today, however, when I come across a quote like this – My Spirit says – SHARE – Marsha, PLEASE SHARE!! So, I want to Thank My Spiritual Brother, Jonathan Bodrick, for posting this Enlightening Phrase and for tagging me on it. Truly, this is a quote that RESONATES with My Spirit and I am sure it will with Yours as Well. So, My question to You Family is: Are You Ensuring that Your Rent on Earth is PAID??…”Things that Make You Go Hmmm”. (smile) Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset – Encourage, Inspire and Uplift Others Through Your Words, Actions and Deeds. Come On…Let’s Roll.MarshaHUGS

Let’s All Take A Moment of Silence for OUR Brother – MUHAMMAD ALI – who has transitioned home earlier this week. May he Sleep in Peace. HUGS and LOVE being sent to his Wife, Family and Friends.

#mrbinspires #marshahugs #marsharbonner #hugs#hugsmindset #hugsmovementcampaign#servicetoothers #payforyourroomhereonearch#isyourrentonearthpaid