Who I Am and Whose I Am…

Marsha Moment Message: It is my STRONG BELIEF that it is vitally IMPORTANT that I ALWAYS Remember “Who I Am” and “Whose I Am”. I got thrown a curve ball yesterday and I was on FIRE!! (Yeah, MarshaHUGS is Human – LOL). It took Me a minute to get it together and with the help of a Very Good FRIEND – I was able to regroup and THANK the God that I Honor for EVERYTHING!! It is so Easy to do that when things are going well; however, I have found that it gives me so much STRENGTH and RELIEF to remain in the “HUMBLE” Position and THANK HIM IN THE MIDST OF THE STORM. Well, It’s a NEW DAY and I’m SO MUCH BETTER NOW. I would ENCOURAGE You to remember, that when the Storm Hits – All YOU really need to do is – Thank the God You Honor – Tell Somebody What’s Going On – Sit Tight – Stay Focused – and Never Stop Believing, Just Like You BELIEVED when You Were a Child (smile). WOW – That Felt GOOD!! Come On Now…THE BEST IS YET TO COME…Let’s Roll. Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset”. Much Love…MarshaHUGS

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