Marsha Moment Message: There have been so many times in the past when I would say “I’m Going To Do This or That” and FEAR along with a Lack of FAITH Stopped Me in My Tracks. How Very Sad. Today I find it a TRAVESTY to say “NO TO MYSELF”. My Approach Now is To Go For It and Take It As Far As I Can. There is something so FULFILLING when You Just TRY – knowing and understanding that if YOU are operating with SINCERE INTENT = LOVE and put in the EFFORT; the GOD You Honor Will Handle the RESULTS. Trust and Believe, “Faith Without Works is Dead”. I ENCOURAGE YOU to PLEASE Keep Your Hopes, Dreams and Aspirations ALIVE!! Come On Now…Go For It…Let’s Roll. Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset”. Much Love…MarshaHUGS
#MRBInspires #MarshaHUGS #marsharbonner#hugs #hugsmindset #hugsmovement#hugsmovementcampaign #dreambig #faith#icanandiwill