Marsha Moment Message: Well, It’s Time for Some More of My TRUTH. Here Goes: Over the past four months, MarshaHUGS has been on an Emotional Roller Coaster. YES, I am capable of putting on the “HAPPY FACE” and KEEP STRIVING – because that’s just how I’m built; however, as a Human Being – I FALL SHORT SOMETIMES and once AGAIN – Keyword – AGAIN – I allowed Another Human Being To Steal My Joy. I have been in constant PRAY for the God that I Honor to Restore MY PEACE. I have also been Praying for that “Person” – because that’s just who I am and how I Roll. I learned a long time ago: “Don’t Hate the Player – Hate the Game”. I have been BLESSED with the the ability to LOVE OTHERS – No Matter What – And This, My Friends, Keeps Me Sane – For Real. At the End of the Day, I have come to understand on a deeper level – PEOPLE LEARN HOW TO TREAT YOU BASED ON WHAT YOU ACCEPT FROM THEM!! Bottomline: It Ain’t Got Nothing to Do With Them and Everything to Do with Me. OoooWeeee – “Truth on Steroids” (smile). In this “MOMENT” as I am Lovingly Being Guided and Strengthened, I would like to Strongly Encourage YOU To Please Know: “THAT YOUR VALUE DOESN’T DECREASE BASED ON SOMEONE’S INABILITY TO SEE OUR WORTH.” Feel That!! Come On Now…WE GOT THIS…Let’s Roll. Live and Embrace a “HUGS Mindset”. Much Love…MarshaHUGS
#mrbinspires #hugs #marshahugs #hugsmindset #marsharbonner #hugsmovementcampaign #dreambig #faith #trustandbelieve #knowyourworth #yourvaluedoesntdecrease