Marsha Moment Message: I want to wish YOU a Very HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY and I would like to THANK the Members of the U.S. Armed Forces for their Service to Our Country. Now, “HAPPY” might be a word that some feel does not fit this “DAY OF REMEMBRANCE. “ Please Allow Me to “humbly” offer these thoughts for Our Collective Reflection. Here goes… I am HAPPY because I am FREE to Live My Life the Way I CHOOSE To On So Many Levels; I am HAPPY because I can ASPIRE to be all that I can be and not have to apologize for the Choices I Make; I am HAPPY and Extremely GRATEFUL because there are Individuals who have and continue to Serve and Give their LIVES on My Behalf; and I am HAPPY because although it is not a PERFECT COUNTRY We Can FREELY PRAY and FREELY SPEAK about our Desire to Live in a WORLD where WAR becomes an Afterthought and PEACEFUL RESOLUTION to Domestic and International Conflicts Will Become the OPTION OF CHOICE. Trust and Believe, the Members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their Families Deserve Our Unwavering Commitment, Appreciation and Support for ALL that they Give and Do For Us Each and Every Day!! Come On Now…RECOGNIZE THAT WE ARE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE…Let’s Roll. Live and Embrace a HUGS Mindset. Much Love…MarshaHUGS
#mrbinspires #marshahugs #marsharbonner #hugs#hugsmovement #hugsmindset #happymemorialday#reflect #recognizeourheroes #heroes #peace#wearefreebecauseofthebrav